School Board meetings are held at the High School Library unless relocated elsewhere. The meeting starts with roll call and the Pledge of Allegiance. There is one public forum. Public forum comments are limited to five minutes per person/20 minutes per topic. The superintendent of schools does a brief report on current issues affecting education and good news happenings in our schools. Board members give updates on committee work, if they had a recent meeting.
Resolutions are put on a consent resolution so that they can all be voted on at one time. Individual resolutions can be pulled from it by board members and are voted on separately. At every meeting, the minutes from the previous board meeting and executive session, if any, are included as well as bills payable and personnel. Minutes and current bills go to regular meetings only for approval. The rest of the resolutions vary.
The board adjourns to the workshop portion with a request for future agenda items and other business.
The workshop session allows administration to give reports on current issues, updates on initiatives, budget work, and new proposals to the board. Normally, no more than two topics are presented at a meeting.
Adjournment to executive session allows discussion of personnel matters, bargaining strategies, and conferring with legal counsel, etc., in closed session as provided for by statute.